15° Congresso Brasileiro de Clínica Médica e 5° Congresso Internacional de Medicina de Urgência e Emergência

Dados do Trabalho


Sexual dysfunction in a Brazilian cohort of Belimumab treated SLE patients


Systematic review and metaanalysis results of sexual dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are contradictory. We investigate the quality of sexual activity in 74 patients with SLE receiving standard care of therapy and the addition of monthly injections of belimumab. We also investigate a group of 25 normal individuals as normal controls.


Seventy four patients with SLE and treated with monthly injections of belimumab were evaluated during 52 weeks.
The Female Sexual Function Index (FSfi), was performed by applying a 19-item questionnaire that assesses six domains (sexual desire, arousal, vaginal lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction and pain ).

Delineamento e Métodos



Mean +/- SD was desire 162.9 +/- 10.02 arousal 143.4+/- 8.6 lubrification 213.7 +/-13.4 orgasm 214.4 +/- 14.8 satisfaction 222.4 +/- 19.9 pain 165.6 +/- 11.7 . Mean +/- SD was desire 103.2 +/- 5.09 arousal 95.1+/- 4.08 lubrification 111.3 +/-5.42 orgasm 100.8 +/- 6.9 satisfaction 104.0 +/- 4.73 pain 116.8 +/- 4.01

Conclusões/Considerações finais

The preliminary results of FSFi in SLE patients treated with Belimumab appears to be improved when compared with a control group, and results for other disease states are under evaluation. These findings suggest that further studies are needed to find out if belimumab treated SLE patients have some degree of protective effect in sexual dysfunction.




Clínica Médica


Clinical Research Center Hospital AACD - São Paulo - Brasil, School Health Center Barra Funda - São Paulo - Brasil


Ricardo Prado Golmia, Andrea Pimentel Fonseca Golmia, Gislene Ferrarezi Vasconcelos, Aline Pinheiro dos Santos Cortada, Morton Aaron Scheinberg