CIPOA School
CIPOA SCHOOL – 7th October (in person, Oceania Convention Center) | |
07:30 08:00 | Registrations for CIPOA School |
08:00 08:10 |
Opening Ceremony / Camila Costa de Amorim (CIPOA School Coordinator, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil); Regina de Fátima Peralta Muniz Moreira (VI CIPOA Chairwoman, Brazil); Vítor Vilar (CIPOA Coordinator, University of Porto, Portugal). |
08:10 09:00 | How to Become a Successful and Responsible Author: Editor Perspectives / Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Professor at the University of Cyprus, Executive Editor of the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering and Editor of Water Research, (Elsevier) |
09:00 09:30 | Analytical Interferences in Chromatography Applied to Removal Studies/ Ana Rita Lado, University of Porto, Portugal. |
09:30 10:00 |
Novel Reactors For Ozonation, Photochemical, Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Processes: Towards Process Intesification/ Vítor Vilar, Principal Researcher at Faculty of Engineering Of Tha University of Porto. |
10:00 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 11:00 |
Design of Carbocatalysts: A challenge for the solar-driven degradation of pollutants / Juan Matos Lale, Universidad Autónoma de Chile |
11:00 11:30 |
Ionizing radiations applied to Advanced Oxidation Processes for environmental protection / Florinella Munõz, National Polytechnic School, Ecuador. |
11:30 12:00 |
Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes as Key Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Industrial Wastewater / Hugo Olvera Vargas, Institute for Renewable Energy (IER-UNAM), Mexico |
12:00 12:10 |
Official Photo - CIPOA SCHOOL |
12:10 13:30 |
Lunch time |
13:30 14:00 |
Green heterogeneous catalysis (photo, electro, and bio) / Giovanni Palmisano, Professor at Khalifa University, Executive Editor of the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
14:00 14:30 |
Advanced oxidation processes based in ultrasound waves: advances, potentialities and limitations/ Ricardo Antonio Torres Palma, Universidad de Medellín, Colombia |
14:30 15:00 |
Advanced Urban Rainwater Treatment combining Nature-based Solutions and AOPs / Daphane Hermosilla, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain |
15:00 15:05 |
Closing Ceremony |

Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro
University of Porto, Portugal, Executive Editor of the Chemical Engineering Science.

Camila Costa Amorim
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, CIPOA School Coordinator.
Daphne Hermosilla
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.

Despo Fatta-Kassinos
Professor at the University of Cyprus, Executive Editor of the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering and Editor of Water Research, Elsevier.
Florinella Muñoz
Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador.

Giovanni Palmisano
Professor at Khalifa University, Executive Editor of the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.

Hugo Olvera-Vargas
Institute for Renewable Energy (IER-UNAM), México.
Juan Matos Lale
Universidad Autónoma de Chile.
Regina de Fatima Peralta Muniz Moreira
Department of Chemicaland Food Enginnering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, VI CIPOA Chairwoman.
Ricardo Antonio Torres Palma
Universidad de Medellín, Colombia.
Vítor Vilar
University of Porto, Portugal, CIPOA Coordinator.