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Bread is among the most widely consumed foods around the world. Due to its physicochemical characteristics, bread is highly susceptible to microbiological deterioration, especially from molds such as Penicillium roqueforti and Aspergillus niger. This contamination leads not only to food waste and substantial economic losses, but also to food safety concerns. Because of its short shelf life, the use of barriers, such as chemical preservatives, is crucial to enable its commercialization. However, certain species, such as P. roqueforti, exhibit resistance to commonly used preservatives like propionate. Additionally, food science is seeking for alternatives to chemical preservatives for microbial control in bakery products. In this regard, Essential Oils (EOs) could be an alternative because the antimicrobial compounds in their composition, especially monoterpenes.

Material e Métodos

In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the preservative potential of a mixture of essential oils (thyme, basil, and oregano) in a pan bread matrix. Thus, six formulations were developed: negative control (CONTROL – with no preservative), positive control (STANDARD – with chemical preservatives, 0.35% propionate and 0.05% sorbate), and four formulations with the natural preservatives. Two formulations had the mixture of essential oils (MEOs) applied on the surface (EOS0.050 – with 0.050% MEOs and EOS0.025 – with 0.025% MEOs), and two had the MEOs incorporated into the dough (EOD0.300 – with 0.300% MEOs and EOD0.050 – with 0.050% MEOs). Physicochemical (water activity - aw, pH, color, and texture) and microbiological (mold and yeast count) analyses were carried out.

Resultados e Discussão

The MEOs did not affect pan bread aw, pH, or color; however, its incorporation into the bread dough affected its texture. Moreover, applying the MEO to the surface of the pan bread extended its shelf life by five days, comparable to the pan bread with chemical preservatives, which had its shelf life extended by one week compared to the control without preservatives.


These results suggest that MEOs could be an excellent natural alternative to chemical preservatives in pan bread due to their active compounds, which have antifungal properties.


Toxicologia e microbiologia de alimentos


Unicamp - São Paulo - Brasil


Bruna Dos Reis Gasparetto Cruz, Laís Pereira Lima Duarte Da Conceição, Caroline Joy Steel