CIPOA - VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies




PhD degree in Chemistry and Environmental Science

Dr. Hugo Olvera-Vargas holds a joint PhD degree in Chemistry and Environmental Science by the University of Paris-Est, the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (The Netherlands), and the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy). His PhD project earned him the award for the best thesis in science and engineering by the University of Paris-Est in 2015. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Toulouse III Paul-Sabatier (France) and worked as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Currently, Dr. Hugo is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Renewable Energy of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His research focuses on the development and application of sustainable electrochemical and photoelectrochemical processes for the treatment and valorization of industrial wastewater and pollutants of emerging concern. Dr. Hugo has published more than 40 scientific papers, 4 book chapters, and has participated in 4 patents (Google Schoolar h-index of 33). He has been the principal investigator of 5 research projects with external funding. He has mentored and supervised several BSc, MSc and PhD students. He is member of the Mexican National Research System, and part of the editorial board of the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier, impact factor 7.4). He has participated in several scientific conferences as a presenter, invited speaker, and seminar organizer. He is a regular reviewer for several scientific journals, and project evaluator at the international level.


