Santiago Esplugas is emeritus professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Barcelona (Spain).
His research in the field of Advanced Oxidation Technologies and Photochemical Reaction Engineering focus on their use for pollution abatement. He has published more than 250 papers and presented around 300 communications to national and international congress holding an h-index of 52 (WoS). He is in the list PLOS BIOLOGY 2019 of Stanford University world ranking top 2% scientists with better quality standards.
He has acted as reviewer in important journals related to the Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering as Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Catalysis B, AIChE Journal, Environment Science and Technology and Water Research.
He has acted as expert in project evaluation for France, Estonia, Finland, Spain, Uruguay, China, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Canada and since 2006 in the expert panel evaluation of the European projects related to chemistry and chemical engineering.
He is associate editor of Journal of Hazardous Materials and the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. He is member of the steering board committee of the Spanish Society of Industrial Chemistry and the International Ozone Association-IOA and was the president of the European-Africa-Asia-Australia section of IOA.