

Professor Charuvila T. Aravindakumar received B.Sc. degree in chemistry from University of Kerala in 1986, a M.Sc. in chemistry from University of Pune in 1988 and a PhD in chemistry from University of Pune under Exchange Programme between the University of Pune and Max-Planck Institute fur Strahlenchemie (Germany) in 1992.
He is Professor at the School of Environmental Sciences of Mahatma Gandhi University and currently he is acting as the Vice-Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University.
He was instrumental in building three major centers in Mahatma Gandhi University: the Inter University Instrumentation Centre, which is a Government of Kerala Initiative, the Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility, a National Facility from the Department of Science & Technology in New Delhi, and the International Centre for Polar Research. He was also the Team Leader of the Indian Arctic Expedition in July 2017.
His recent research interests include Oxidation technology for water purification, Polar environmental research, monitoring of Emerging contaminants in water bodies, membrane technology for water purification, Air pollution and protein-pollutant interaction.
He has over 400 publications in international journals/conference proceedings /book chapters/reviews/editorials.