Carlos Diaz is currently Strategic Programmes and Engagement Manager at the International Water Association (IWA). He is a Peruvian and Dutch national, an economist specialized in the water sector. He has previously worked as an Innovation and Knowledge Management Officer at CAF Development Bank of Latin America in Caracas, Venezuela, and at the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Programme as a Senior Water and Sanitation Utilities Specialist in Lima, his home city. He obtained an MSc in Water Management from UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft, The Netherlands. There in Holland, he worked at IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and later for Vewin, the Dutch Association of Drinking Water Companies, from where he coordinated the European Benchmarking Cooperation, a knowledge exchange platform for European water and sanitation utilities.
09:20 às 09:35 - Presentación de International Water Association (IWA)
Palestrante (Confirmado)
10:15 às 11:40 - Desafíos regulatorios post Covid 19
Moderador (Confirmado)
12:00 às 13:15 - Soluciones no tradicionales de Saneamiento: Saneamiento en sitio
Painelista (Confirmado)